Week 12 Blog: Design Critique & Science in Media

The journal I read was ‘Biological components of sex differences in color preference’. The title of this journal article cannot accurate give the study design and findings. As the title said ‘Biological components’, it seems didn’t related to the design of this study. The design of this journal article is basically focus on choosing in eight colours (color-picking) by the participants. Although the design stated that participants included male and female, British Caucasian and Han Chinese, the design cannot showed it can related to biological. Choosing colours by different sex or racial was just a simple test and not based on biological. For the findings, the article just related it a little bit. The result showed it is significance that there is sex differences in color preference between males and females, also for cultural differences within the evolution of sex-specific behavioural use of trichromacy. However, the article cannot showed the findings directly.

The explanations of the finding actually is well justified. As researchers stated that it is significance between each sex in color preference. First, they relied on the result which they got in the test which two tables had showed in this article to support there are different for Male, Female, UK participants and China participants. Some points which the researchers want to support their findings is not good enough. They had found information like hunter-gatherer theory to support female and male had different preference on color and things (yellow fruit, red leaves). They can prove the ‘female brain’ hypotheses from the Bem Sex Role. Moreover, they found a good explanation like innate which human choose color by their own feeling. As environment can affected people’s preference too. The example like Chinese people may strong in red colour because the culture in China, red colour means ‘good luck’, so forever male or female in China may have strong feeling in red colour. Chinese people would prefer choose red in the test.

The news report and headline imply that all boys prefer blue and all girls prefer pink is because the historical reason. As the headline said ‘At last, science discovers why blue is for boys but girls really do prefer pink’, it imply that people already knew boys prefer blue and girls prefer pink before the research and experiments. As the news report had indicated that humans’ colour preference was belong to hunter-gatherer. It was also related to environment like sky colour and fruit colour. It is not warranted by the study which was described because the study is not concentrate on did hunter-gatherer make an effect on human colour preference nowadays. The study just pointed out difference between sex and cultural. As hunter-gatherer still cannot prove it is significance in human now.

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